import streamlit as st # Import python packages from langchain_community.llms import Ollama llm = Ollama(model="llama2-uncensored:latest") import pandas as pd pd.set_option("max_colwidth", None) def create_prompt(myquery): prompt = f""" 'You are a SQL expert. Given the following query, provide a more optimal way to write the query based on SQL:2023 syntax. Original Query: {myquery} Modified Query: ' """ return prompt def complete(myquery): prompt = create_prompt(myquery) df_response = llm.predict(prompt) return df_response def display_response(question): response = complete(question) res_text = response st.markdown(res_text) # Main code st.title("SQL Query Optimizer :TreasureData:") st.write("Select a cortex model from the drowpdown menu and paste your long running SQL queries below. Each model will provide an optimized query if applicable, and suggest ways you can improve and optimize the pasted SQL query.") st.write(""" 1. Copy SQL Query 2. Paste SQL query and Run Optimzer 3. Reduce Compute costs and optimize long running queries! """) question = st.text_area("",placeholder="Enter your SQL query here") if st.button("Optimize Query"): display_response(question)
例として下記の無駄なUnion ALLをつけてクエリを提示したところ、
SELECT id, name FROM test where id = 1 union all SELECT id, name FROM test where id = 2 union all SELECT id, name FROM test where id = 3
The modified query should be written as follows based on SQL:2023 syntax: SELECT id, name FROM test WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3) This is because the original query was using an older version of SQL syntax and could potentially return duplicate rows for each ID. By using a subquery with IN operator instead of UNION ALL, we can ensure that only unique rows are returned.
実際にちゃんとしたチューニングをさせるには、データのメタデータだったり、統計データなんかを取りながら、SQLとその改善をイテレーションさせて、より良いものを見つける方が良い気がするが、手元でパパッと試したので雑記として残しておく。 (TDのAPIを使って、クエリ発行とかもやろうと思ったが、何もやっていない)